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Geolocated Snapchat filters on demand

Geolocated Snapchat filters on demand

Geolocated Snapchat filters on demand Since last February, Snapchat has given its users the possibility of creating customizable geolocalized filters for their events. Until now, the company has implemented an on-demand creation tool based on models for different...
Snapchat accused of racism again

Snapchat accused of racism again

Snapchat accused of racism again Two days after it appeared, a filter that gave Snapchat users’ faces big cheeks, a sallow complexion and slanted eyes was removed following accusations of racism. This is not the first time that a Snapchat filter has been deemed...
68% of web traffic in Europe generated by advertising

68% of web traffic in Europe generated by advertising

68% of web traffic in Europe generated by advertising An Adobe study reveals that 68% of web traffic in Europe is generated by advertising. As for mobile advertising, it is catching up in Europe. While it generated barely half of the traffic on smartphones three years...
Digital illiteracy, a new socio-economic divide

Digital illiteracy, a new socio-economic divide

Digital illiteracy, a new socio-economic divide The results of a survey carried out on the initiative of Gezinsbond, the Flemish equivalent of the League of Families, point to the illiteracy of a (very) large number of Belgian citizens – meaning computer and digital...
The photo, the main criterion for choosing a smartphone

The photo, the main criterion for choosing a smartphone

The photo, the main criterion for choosing a smartphone For 80% of Belgians, the quality of the camera is the decisive criterion when purchasing a new smartphone, according to a study conducted by LG Electronics in Belgium. A study conducted by LG Electronics in...