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Eventer, the new Belgian photo sharing app

Eventer, the new Belgian photo sharing app

Eventer, the new Belgian photo sharing app Launched last month, Eventer is the new Belgian application that allows you to share photos of live events, on a single platform. Its designers started from a simple observation: the smartphone has become the essential...
Google launches its carpooling service!

Google launches its carpooling service!

Google launches its carpooling service! Alphabet, Google’s parent company, is reportedly set to launch a new carpooling service called Carpool. A first phase of testing limited to a group of employees already took place last May and, according to rumor, Google...
Zen Car launches a second crowdfunding campaign

Zen Car launches a second crowdfunding campaign

Zen Car launches a second crowdfunding campaign After a first successful crowdfunding campaign and a second one that has just been launched, the car-sharing company Zen Car is expanding its fleet of electric cars and its network of charging stations. Smart and...