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Awex engages with a San Francisco incubator

Awex engages with a San Francisco incubator

Awex engages with a San Francisco incubator The start-up incubator-accelerator Runway and the Walloon agency for export and foreign investment (Awex) have signed a framework agreement which should enable Walloon structures to export more easily. Runway hosts over 80...
Belgian start-up Ontoforce raises 2.1 million euros

Belgian start-up Ontoforce raises 2.1 million euros

Belgian start-up Ontoforce raises 2.1 million euros The IT company specializing in “data science” has obtained 2.1 million euros in a new fundraising round and is banking on commercial expansion in the United States. Belgian start-up Ontoforce, behind the...
Belgian start-up Menu Next Door raises 1.75 million euros

Belgian start-up Menu Next Door raises 1.75 million euros

Belgian start-up Menu Next Door raises 1.75 million euros For a first round of funding, Menu Next Door has done well since the platform has managed to bring several foreign investment funds into its capital. After a launch in Paris at the beginning of the year, the...