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DevFest Belgium 2013 @ICAB on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 November

Nov 29, 2013 | Other Tech Events | 0 comments

Join the DevFest Belgium 2013 on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 Novemeber at ICAB Business & Technology Incubator.

DevFest is a weekend dedicated to developers, coders, fans and enthusiasts.


Agenda :

Day 1: Sat, 17th – “Bootcamp Track” (AZZAR ROOM)

  • From 10 AM to 12 PM : App Engine Workshop – Learn how to write that python app in the cloud.
  • From 1 PM to 3 PM : Android Workshop – Supercharge your Java powers and learn to write a first app.
  • From 3 PM to 5 PM : AngularJS Workshop – For intermediate AngularJS developers.
  • From 7 PM to 10 PM : Social – Have a beer and explore smart gadgets!

Day 1: Sat, 17th – “Tech Talks Track” (MADERA ROOM)

  • From 10 AM to 10:45 AM : What’s new in Android 4.4 – Pieter-Jan Vandormael.
  • From 11 AM to 11:45 AM : Chromecast, Cheapcast and TV – Sebastian Mauer.
  • From 1 PM to 1:45 AM : Unit Testing with AngularJS – TBC.
  • From 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM : Why WebDevs should care about Polymer – Stefan Hoth. Polymer is a new type of library for the web, built on top of Web Components, and designed to leverage the evolving web platform on modern browsers. In this hands-on session we will make our first steps in using this library.
  • From 3 PM to 3:45 PM : Using the new Android Support Library – Christophe Beyls. “Google published new major releases of their Android apps lately, based on their new official Android Support Library. This presentation is an introduction and practical guide to the latest features available in this library.
  • From 3:45 PM to 4:15 PM : Android Connectivity with Bluetooth Smart – Friedger Müffke. Since Android 4.3, Bluetooth Smart (aka Low Engery, 4.0) is supported with a standard API. In this session, we will get to know how to use it and experiment with some devices.
  • From 4:15 PM to 5 PM : JMonkey Development and Augmented Reality – Simon Heinen. In this session, we will explore the OpenGL engine JMonkey and how to use it for AR.
  • Unclouded for Android – Device-to-device Communication Made Easy – Nick De Cooman. Unclouded is a software platform for employing device-to-device communication. The goal of this session is to introduce the Unclouded Android API and show how it can be deployed. The session start with a general introduction to device-to-device communication, followed by an overview of the necessary terminology in order to understand the Unclouded API. This API is explained using code snippets, whereafter the implementation of a simple demo app is showcased.

Day 2: Sun, 17th – “Open Hack Day”

  • Breakfast – Start of Open Hack Day
  • Show what you have created!

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