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Use BetaGroup’s voucher code to come at Digiwal, a new ICT forum – Tuesday 1 October @Louvain-laNeuve

Sep 25, 2013 | Other Tech Events | 0 comments

On Tuesday 1 October a new ICT forum will take place at Louvain-la-Neuve, whose goal is to help the companies and organizations that use these trends become more competitive and better connected with their customers, and, secondly, to show the added value that IT companies bring to their customers with applications that integrate these four forces.Called DIGIWAL, this a new Walloon event that networks ICT players with companies who want to develop their digital competitiveness.

During this unique day, assist to thematic conferences, testimonies of the best IT companies in Wallonia, presentations of customer case studies, interviews and debates on a TV set, technology Demonstrations and usiness meetings operated by the European business support network for companies “Enterprise Europe Network” and based on the matchmaking concept b2fair.

BetaGroup will be there at 4 PM for a workshop about the activites, the development and the future of Betagroup.

Interested ? Willing to come ?

Good news ! Use the BetaGroup voucher code BETA4500 to register and have 50 € discount in the entrance price!! Instead of paying 75€ you will pay 25€ !!



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