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WebMission 2010 to San Francisco

Jun 9, 2010 | Belgian Startups, Featured | 0 comments

After 2 successful WebMissions in San Francisco and Sevilla in 2009, Belgians Web Entrepreneurs went back on WebMission to SF in May 2010 to promote their startups and to feel the entrepreneurial spirit of the Silicon Valley.

32 participants from Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia joined this trip. The large size of the group gave us access to great companies: Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Google, SFNewtech , Seesmic, CBS, Kyte and Stanford University.

Feed back is very positive: massive press coverage, access to local investors and local partners.

Picture of Mark Zuckerberg with Belgian Webmission in Facebook HQ :

WebMissions are organized by Belgian Web Entrepreneurs, join our newsletter and we will keep you update for to next WebMission. If you want to join the WebMission TaskForce, please contact Ramon or Jenie .

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